Medtronic LifePak 20
Easy to use for both BLS and ALS teams
– With an intuitive door system, the 20e functions as an automated external defibrillator (AED) for your BLS teams, who can begin early defibrillation before the resuscitation team arrives
– Standardized and clear user interface, so teams who also use the LIFEPAK 12 and LIFEPAK 15 will recognize it immediately
– Larger clock provides better visibility throughout the room and a centralized device to use for time management and documentation
– Compact, ergonomic footprint ensures stability and efficiency during patient transport
– Auto-send of patient and device data facilitates quality improvement review and hospital-wide device tracking* Powerful to improve your resuscitation management
– Capnography (Class I recommendation for ET tube confirmation and monitoring in the 2010 AHA and ERC guidelines) aids ET tube placement and CPR effectiveness*
– Other advanced monitoring parameters include ECG (3- or 5-wire), pacing, pulse oximetry
– Metronome helps rescuers perform compressions at the ERC Guideline rate of 100/minute
– 360J biphasic technology allows highest available energy for difficult-todefibrillate patients
– Wirelessly transmits* patient data to CODE-STAT** software for post-event review, to capture event data and facilitate resuscitation response improvement Ready for when your team needs to respond
– Performs daily readiness self-check
– LIFENET® Asset status wirelessly monitors device data including battery charge status, updates and self-tests, and enables your biomed team to do upgrades that would have previously required a service call
– Battery status indicator
– On-site inservice training by dedicated nurses, clinical training materials
– On-site service and off-site biomed training solutions available