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Options for Obtaining Cadaver Lab Equipment

Options for Obtaining Cadaver Lab Equipment

Surgeons want to train on the most advanced equipment. Cadaver labs provide an excellent opportunity to hone skills and surgical techniques. If you own a lab, you are responsible for supplying equipment that surgeons and medical professionals will need within the operating room to train effectively.

However, that brings up a question; How does one obtain or purchase cadaver lab and Bioskills equipment? Here are a few ways to go about it:

  • Renting Equipment Short Term (Rentals for a single cadaver lab event)
  • Leasing, or Long-Term Rentals (Equipment used semi-frequently or is susceptible to shipping damage)
  • Purchasing Equipment Outright (Items used regularly)

Let’s take a look at each of these options.


Firstly, if you are a for-profit facility, renting equipment for a single lab has advantages. One advantage is the opportunity to charge the industry partner hosting the lab for the extra pieces. If you can pass your rental costs directly to the industry partner for a specific session, you mitigate equipment overhead costs for your business. Surgical devices are shipped in before the cadaver lab and sent back to the supplier after the lab. The top advantage of renting is space. Rented instruments and equipment won’t crowd or take up space when not in use. Returning rental equipment frees up your storage area for other equipment and supplies.

The downside to renting is the possibility for miscommunication and unforeseen shipping delays. Inevitably, there will be something damaged in shipping, lost in translation, or the wrong item will be ordered for a lab with no time for replacements. Renting works in a pinch but is not a great way to impress your industry clients long term, because things may eventually get missed. Consider renting items that are used too infrequently to justify purchasing. However, if you find yourself renting units more than once a month, then a long-term rental solution may be a better option.


Second, leasing equipment for your cadaver lab allows you the benefit of being between last-minute rentals and owning the equipment. The advantage of long-term equipment rentals is cost savings over time and ease of use. The medical devices are housed at your facility, so those items are ready whenever you need them; therefore, you don’t need to worry about missing a rental shipment or incurring the overhead of owning and maintaining the equipment. We create our lease agreements around your needs and time frame. Leasing equipment for your bioskills lab can be as short as one year or as long as five years. If you choose to lease, three coverage plans are available to help protect your investment.

  • No coverage plan: You are responsible for any repairs or replacements if a device breaks.
  • Minimal coverage plan: Some repair costs and replacements are available for you.
  • Full coverage plan: All devices are fully covered and include loaners in most cases.

Long term leasing options are great for items that are needed regularly but need to be upgraded continuously or become obsolete quickly or items that break in shipping easily. Medical devices like power equipment and endoscopy towers can fall into this category.


Lastly, is the option to purchase the equipment for your cadaver lab outright. Owning the equipment provides the opportunity to have the surgical devices entirely at your disposal. If the item you are seeking to obtain will be used in most of the bioskills labs you host, for example, a C-arm or cadaver table, owning that item becomes the best solution. Purchasing provides the highest ROI the over long term. Surgical lights, sterilizers, and washer disinfectors also fall into this category.

Ultimately, it will come down to your budget for the lab. Renting is a great way to pass on the operational costs to your industry clients and potentially make a little on top in the short term; However, in the end, owning or leasing equipment will give you the most significant return on your investment for your cadaver and bioskills lab and increase your profitability.

To get more information on our rental or leasing programs, contact us today, and one of our team members will reach out to you! If you are looking to purchase items, call today, and we will be happy to assist you.

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